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Mindful eating (part 1):

Is an approach to food that focuses on individuals’ sensual awareness of the food and their experience of the food. It has little to do with calories, carbohydrates, fat, or protein. The purpose of mindful eating is not to lose weight, although it is highly likely that those who adopt this style of eating will lose weight. The intention is to help individuals savor the moment and the food and encourage their full presence for the eating experience. Practicing Mindful eating:

1️⃣Get a raisin and set it down in front of you. STOP; do not throw a handful of raisins into your mouth.

Imagine you have just been dropped off on this planet, and you know nothing about where you are. You have never experienced anything from Earth. With no experience, there are no judgments, fears, or expectations. It is all new to you. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

2️⃣Look at the raisin and pick it up.

3️⃣Feel its weight.

4️⃣Examine its surface—the various ridges, shiny parts, dull parts; really look for the first time at this strange object.

5️⃣Smell this object and notice how you react.

6️⃣Roll the raisin between your fingers and listen to hear what sound it makes.

7️⃣Notice its stickiness.

8️⃣Notice what you are feeling about this object.

9️⃣Place the raisin between your lips and just hold it there for a few moments. What do you notice happens inside you?

🔟Let it roll back into your mouth, but do not chew yet, just roll it around. Is there a taste? Do you salivate? What do you want to do?

OK, bite down, just once. What do you notice?

Slowly begin to chew, noticing what each bite brings.

Chew the raisin until it is completely liquefied before you swallow.

☑️After swallowing, close your eyes for a few moments to notice the consequence of what you just experienced.

🔺You can see that the focus is on senses and the full awareness of the food in the moment.

🔺Now you can start your first experience with mindful eating and allow yourself to explore it.#mindfuleating #article#Joseph B. Nelson


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